Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wireless Electricity, Not So Far Off

Are power cords your enemy?
Then, this might be the solution to your problem.

Read the complete article from The New York Times.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This Green House

A day with the environmentally conscious students living in the sustainability house at Oberlin College.

Kitchen 4B: Pizza at Home

Jill Santopietro, chef and recipe tester for The New York Times, shows how easy it is to make pizza at home in her little New York City kitchen.

Measuring Happiness

Government policies and programs will be judged by the happiness they produce in the tiny mountain kingdom of Bhutan.

read the related newspaper article in The New York Times.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Power of Green

Listen to Thomas L. Friedman talking about how America can regain it's international stature by taking the lead in alternative energy and environmentalism.
"I think that living, working, designing [...] in a green way can be the basis of a new unifying political movement for the 21st century."

You can read the related newspaper article from the New York Times.